Independent Peer Review

The Independent Reviewer supplements the normal peer review performed by the underwriting team by auditing from time to time the portfolio of risks written.  By casting an experienced eye over the portfolio as a whole as well as delving into a random selection of risks, an external peer reviewer proficient in the relevant class of business can provide more independent and knowledgeable feedback to management to confirm that the agreed strategy is being followed and that underwriting policies and procedures are being applied consistently and correctly.

A2Z Risk Services provides detailed, expert review of individual risk underwriting to:

  • Ensure compliance with Lloyd’s Underwriting Standards (as applicable), contract certainty and other internal policies and regulatory requirements
  • Provide market perspective on business underwritten and ensure consistency with underwriting principles/business plan
  • Provide detailed feedback to the underwriting team and management

More information on the role of an Independent Peer Reviewer can be found on the Lloyd’s website.